Post by Yasuko Kobayashi on Apr 2, 2016 9:01:52 GMT
Stormy Panic
+ Description: A storm has knocked out the power in the school building shortly after classes have ended for the day; it seems to nasty outside to leave, though the building is pretty deserted, save for one or two other people who got stuck.
+ Stay put, wait out the storm: -1 Guardians, +2 Faberge
+ Venture out to try to get the power back on: +1 Guardians, +1 Faberge
+ Sneak into the staff room while no one’s around: -2 Guardians, +1 Roost
+ Look for someone else who may be stuck: +2 Guardians, -1 Roost
+ Requirements: None
+ Submitted by Hatta
She stared at the dark clouds outside the window.
Lightning flashed and thunder boomed across the sky, lighting up the area as rain continuously pelt hard against the glass. With how heavy the rain was, there was what seemed to be a fog covering the distant parts of the place, making it hard for her to see what was beyond the school campus.
She sighed. She was caught in a storm. Again. And the power went out in school. Again.
This was terrific honestly.
"Oh my gosh Yasuko!" Calli cried, her tiny hands pressed against the window. The glass felt cold to her touch, making her giggle at the feeling. "I have never been caught in a storm before!" the tiny Guardian Character beamed at her owner. She didn't know rain could potentially be this heavy, to the point where there would even be thunder and lightning! Even the window was cold! This was so cool! Not to mention that the power went out! Well, maybe that wasn't something to be happy about, but the classroom looked so different in the dark! The way the light seemed so blue and the way it fell onto the objects in their classroom was so interesting to watch! Especially when the shadows of the rain superimposed on them!
Her hand traced a droplet of rain as it rolled down the glass window. Even the images in that droplet looked so different! "Yasuko Yasuko, do you see this? This is so awesome to watch!" she said back at the first-year.
Yasuko sighed.
"I really don't think this is something you should be excited about," the girl said exasperatedly, clasping her bag close. Really, all she had wanted to do was to grab a book from the library. To research a little bit on China history and their relationship with the Japanese. And she was searching in her desk about a related worksheet that their teacher had gave them before the lights went out. Honestly, this was too early in the day for this.
"But Yasuko, I've never been in a storm before!"
"Yeah, well, I have and I'm not the least bit interested in staying back here again." Swinging her bag straight onto her back, she pulled the straps on tight. She might as well browse the library as she had originally intended - especially since with how heavy the rain was, it didn't seem likely to let up. Stepping out of the classroom, she looked left and right. There didn't seem to be anybody around. Oh well.
Calli followed right behind her as she closed the door to the classroom.